RISEAP President's Visit 2023

RISEAP President’s Visit 2023
Auckland, New Zealand.
26 June 2023
The Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Abdul Rahman Zohari Abang Openg has chosen Auckland, New Zealand as the destination for his maiden visit as the President of RISEAP.
Earlier today, the President had a meeting with representatives from Australia, Fiji & New Zealand.
Sis. Zubeda Raihman of Muslim Women’s National Network Australia, Br. Nissar Ali from FIJI MUSLIM LEAGUE & Br. Ibrar Sheikh from FIANZ, who are the EXCO of RISEAP from the Southern Region, represented Australia, Fiji & New Zealand respectively.
The group shared & discussed about their local Muslim demographics, quality of life, education system, mosque, welfare (baitulmal), halal certification & financial self reliance.
Also present, Datuk Dr. Abdul Rahman Junaidi, Deputy Minister for Utility and. Telecommunication of Sarawak & Datuk Haji Kipli Yasin, the Mufti of Sarawak.
They shared their knowledge on how to generate, collect & distribute Baitulmal by law. They also shared their experience on Halal which is an obligation by JAKIM and how it is recognized worldwide.
The President then added that mutual understanding within a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society is important to strengthen relations between communities for the well-being of all.