Invitation to Secondary Schools to Participate in Peace and Respect Programme

Dear Principal – Kia ora and Assalamu

(Peace be with you),

Invitation to Secondary
Schools to Participate in Peace and Respect Programme (5th
Anniversary of the Christchurch Mosque Attack)

 As we approach the 5th
anniversary of the Christchurch Mosque attacks which took place on 15 March
2019, we are inviting secondary schools from around the country to participate
in a national event to commemorate one of the most pivotal occasions in our
country’s modern history.

The purpose of this programme
is to encourage students to reflect on the lessons and wisdom that can be
gleaned from such a tragic event and how we can offer an appropriate
acknowledgement to the past whilst at the same time moving forward and looking
ahead. We believe that by engaging in thoughtful discussions and creative
expressions, students can contribute to fostering empathy, understanding, and
unity within their communities.


Students are invited to submit
individual or group entries in any form, including written pieces, videos,
audio recordings, artwork, poems, stories, songs, social media contributions,

Submissions should focus on
the lessons learned from the Christchurch Mosque attacks and how we can
collectively work towards building a more compassionate and inclusive society.
A particular focus this year is on the themes of peace and respect.

The deadline for submissions
is 10 March 2024. We encourage teachers to integrate this opportunity into
their curriculum and provide students with a platform to express their thoughts
and feelings in a meaningful way.

To recognise the outstanding
efforts of participants, prizes of $5,000/ will be awarded to the schools of
the top two winning submissions and all entries will be collated for a later
exhibition. This is a unique chance for our young people to showcase their
talent and creativity while contributing to a broader conversation around resilience,
understanding and what peace means to us in Aotearoa New Zealand.

For further information or to
submit entries, please contact

Thank you for considering our
invitation. We look forward to your school’s valuable contribution to this
significant event.


Ngā mihi and in peace,

Rehanna Ali

Co-Chair Community Development
and Advocacy

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